When applying for a credit card in Australia, it is best to make sure it is one you will have a good chance of qualifying for. This is because too many enquiries can have a very large impact on your credit score. We’ve rounded up a host of popular options; whether you’re looking for the most points, best balance transfer, or even credit cards for people with less than perfect credit, here are some of the top credit card offers in Australia to check out this year.
NAB StraightUp Card
NAB’s StraightUp Card is a no-bones about it card with no interest (yes, 0% interest), no other charges, and one simple monthly fee. This means no surprise charges, along with no international transaction fees – you can pay in foreign currency. If you don’t use the card in a given month, the monthly fee will even be reversed. The $1,000 credit limit has a $10 monthly fee and requires a $35 minimum payment; these increase to a $15 fee and $75 minimum payment at a limit of $2,000, and a $20 fee and $110 minimum payment at a limit of $3,000. The downside to this card is that it does not offer any form of rewards, but it is a good option if you need a small amount of credit and do not want to pay high interest.
MoneyMe Virtual Mastercard
The MoneyMe Freestyle Virtual Credit Account is not your typical line of credit nor is it a typical credit card. It is a virtual card which you load on your Apple or Android phone – no need to wait for the plastic card – providing you access to up to a $20,000 line of credit if you are approved. They offer “Perks” (powered by Cashrewards) at up to 1,400 stores. The annual fee is $0 for credit limits of up to $3,000, $49 for $3,001 to $5,000, and $149 for $5,001 to $20,000, along with a monthly fee of $5 for balances over $20. There is an interest free period of up to 55 days, and then the interest rate is 16.99% p.a.
St. George Vertigo
The St. George Vertigo is another everyday card with a low rate and low annual fee. It is $55 a year (waived the first year) and has interest free purchases for up to 55 days. The interest rate is 13.99% p.a. If you are just getting started with credit cards, there is a handy $500 minimum limit. There is also a nifty rainbow design available.
Qantas AMEX Ultimate Card
If you want travel points, the Qantas AMEX Ultimate is the ultimate card indeed. You can receive 110,000 bonus points plus $200 back currently, and spend $3,000 within the first three months. This is a helpful bonus to offset the annual fee of $450 p.a. Users will get 1.25 bonus points on all card purchases except at government bodies, per $1 spent (it is .5 points per $1 spent with government bodies). You also get an even higher 2.25 points per $1 spent with Qantas themselves. You also receive an annual $450 Qantas Travel Credit which can be used on flights each year, further helping to offset the annual fee. An income of $65,000 or more is required, and no history of bad debt or payment default. The interest rate is 20.74% p.a., which is a bit higher, so it is not a great card with which to carry high balances.
Citi Clear Card
The Citi Clear Card has an attractive 0% p.a. for 36 months on balance transfers, making it a great balance transfer card option. There is also a purchase rate of 14.99% p.a. Furthermore, you can get cashback on Deliveroo and Spotify each month, with $10 cashback for a delivery of $25 or more and $5 cashback on Spotify Premium. The annual fee is $99.
Westpac Low Rate Card
If you want cashback, the Westpack Low Rate Cashback offer is for you. If you spend $4,000 on eligible purchases within 4 months of approval, you can get $400 back. Furthermore, the annual fee of $59 is waived for the first year for new customers. The card has a low ongoing purchase rate of 13.74%, and offers interest free purchases for up to 55 days. There is a minimum income of $30,000 p.a.