Restore Your Smile With Dental Implants

Your teeth are always important, but they become even more critical in your older years. Elderly Americans may have many issues with their oral health, from decaying teeth, to teeth that are altogether missing.

Unlike dentures, dental implants are a permanent solution.  Having a full mouth of teeth can help you to keep your confidence, as well as the confidence that you can bite into an apple. 

Dental implants are an excellent choice when it comes to missing or decayed teeth.  They spruce up your smile, and look like the real deal.  Unlike troublesome dentures, dental implants can last forever (so long as you continue to brush regularly), and don’t require any fussing around with creams or daily denture storage.  Dental implants can truly restore your oral function.

Here’s the lowdown for what you need to know about whether or not dental implants are a good choice for you.

Just What Are Dental Implants?

Dental implants are synthetic teeth replacements which go into your jaw.  They are often made of ceramic and are around pieces of metal to root to your jaw.

Because dental plants get drilled into your jawbone, they are a permanent solution.  They go in the place of the sockets where your old teeth used to be.

Once you have your dental implants, they will receive a crown on top to make them like regular teeth – a tooth hat, if you will.  Because dental implants are permanent, they do not require ongoing tweaks or adjustments like other oral solutions, such as braces.

Why Dental Implants Over Dentures?

Dentures and other non-permanent options are band-aid solutions to the problem.  While they can seem like an affordable solution, they will leave you without that feeling of natural teeth.  They can also cause issues with chewing, talking, and comfort in your mouth.

Dental implants blend in incognito amongst your other teeth, with nary a clue that they are not real teeth.  If you’ve been experiencing oral pain or difficulty chewing, dental implants just might transform your day to day life.  They can also be made to match the existing color of your other, non-implanted teeth.

Dental implants can also help prevent deformities to your jaw, and other complications stemming from jaw issues and bone loss.  This iis an added plus for people who select dental implants during their senior years.

How Much Do Dental Implants Cost?

Dental implants generally require surgery, so it is not a decision to be taken lightly, or something you can just pop into your dentist to have performed.

Many dentists and oral surgeons have various promotional offers if you search around for them.  It’s important to comparison shop and look at how experienced the surgeon is, relative to the costs being advertised.  Furthermore, if you decide to arrange financing, dental implants can become even more affordable. 

Dental implants can be more affordable than dentures. One implant can cost anywhere between $900 & $3,000. Many dentists offer financing options, however, to make it more affordable.  Some advertise pricing as low as $79/month. Furthermore, Vendors such as CareCredit allow you to finance dental implants or other high-ticket expenses. These can make dental implants a more realistic option, and one where you can pay by the month. Make sure to consider all of the potential choices and know all of your options.

In Conclusion

If you have an imperfect smile, or it’s getting hard to chew your foods, dental implants might be a good solution for you.  You are not a prisoner to hard-to-use dentures and creams.  You can still get the picture-perfect smile you want in your older years thanks to dental implants.  They can restore your smile and your bite, and are the penultimate solution to a decaying mouth.  So, explore your available options, and take time to consider if dental implants are right for you.