When applying for a credit card, it is best to make sure it is one you will have a good chance of qualifying for. This is because too many inquiries can have an impact on your credit score. We’ve rounded up a host of popular options for you to check out. Whether you’re looking for the most points, best balance transfer, or even credit cards for people with less than perfect credit, here are some of the top credit card offers to check out this year.
Chase Sapphire Preferred Card
Chase Sapphire Preferred Card is arguably the best travel card on the market for the typical consumer. The 60,000 sign up bonus is worth $750 towards travel on Chase Ultimate Rewards. You need to spend $4,000 in the first 3 months to get this bonus. The card has a revamped set of rewards including 3x points on dining and takeout services, a $50 annual hotel credit, 5x points on travel via Chase Ultimate Rewards, and a 10% anniversary points boost. You’ll also get travel benefits and other features included in the $95 annual fee.
AMEX Blue Cash Preferred Card
The Blue Cash Preferred Card offers a $300 bonus if you have never had the card before and can spend $3,000 on the first 6 months. You’ll also get back 6% cashback for all spend at grocery stores and this benefit applies to the first $6,000 in spending per year. Additionally, there is 1% back everywhere else, without limit. There is no annual fee the first year and is $95 in subsequent years. American Express is a very reputable company that offers excellent customer support and ancillary card benefits for travel and online shopping.
Capital One Quicksilver Secured Cash Rewards Card
You don’t need good credit to earn 1.5% cashback with this no-annual fee Mastercard. Quicksilver Secured Rewards from Capital One offers unlimited 1.5% cashback and you can be considered for a higher credit line after 6 months. There is zero fraud-liability. All that is required is a $200 refundable deposit; get pre-approved with no risk to your credit score. There is a 26.99% variable purchase APR which you can avoid by paying off any statement balance by the due date. You may find less gotchas compared to some of the other cards from less reputable card issuers. This is an excellent choice for those who want to reestablish credit after having been denied in the past.
Chase Freedom Unlimited
This Chase Freedom Unlimited Card really knocks it out of the park for the everyday user. High rewards, no annual fee, and very good mobile tools, apps and websites. Earn 5% cash back on grocery store purchases (not including Target or Walmart purchases) on up to $12,000 spent in the first year, 5% on travel purchased through Chase Ultimate Rewards, 3% cash back on dining at restaurants (including takeout and eligible delivery services and drugstore purchases), while earning unlimited 1.5% cash back on all other purchases. There is no minimum to redeem for cashback. It also comes with 0% intro APR for 15 months, purchase protection, trip cancellation insurance, extended warranty purchase protection, and car rental damage waiver.
Capital One Platinum Secured Credit Card
You can establish or reestablish your credit with as little as a $49 deposit. The Capital One Platinum Secured Credit Card allows for a $200 limit with a refundable deposit of $49, $99 or $200. This card has no annual fee and no fraud-liability and can in many cases require a smaller deposit to get started than the cashback version, Quicksilver. There is a 26.99% variable purchase APR so be sure to pay off your balance each month.